I am so excited because yesterday morning Sonny woke me up and flew me to Paris! (actually I was a teensy bit miffed when we got on the plane at Kennedy because I realised I was going to miss two whole days of the fall shows but I had to forgive him when he told me where we were going)
So now I am writing this in a gorgeous little wi fi cafe with a steaming hot cup of chocolate and a delicious french pastry... we've already been to see the Eiffel Tower and I took some snaps on my beloved polaroid, of course I've seen it many times but the romance of it never ceases to amaze me...

we asked a very sweet tourist to take our picture, she was all the way from Korea and had actually heard of me so I was very excited and felt like a film star! We are both wearing Bottega Venetta, doesn't Sonny look smart in his suit... it was my valentines present to him (and of course I just had to buy the matching dress!)

I even bought him the gorgeous leather briefcase but he was having none of it and said it looked like a handbag - you know what he's like, he doesn't really understand fashion. I tried to tell him that man bags are all the rage

Here's my valentines card to Sonny. I'd love to say I had a studio set up to create this shot but actually Ruby helped me to photoshop my head onto an orginal vogue clipping that was kindly lent to me by vintage photo collector Jessica.
sigh, glamour just seemed to come to easily in the 1930's

...and this was his gift to me (as well as the trip to Paris - aren't I the lucky one!) I've only seen this picture so far but later on we are going to a private butterfly house where he says he has had some bred just like it... can you see the hidden fifi elements in the patterns on their wings? impossible don't you think? I reckon after nearly two years of dating Sonny I know him and his mischiveous ways pretty well and I'm certain that it's just some elaborate valentines hoax. I told him that if they are real I'll eat my Sonia Rykiel bowler hat and worryingly he told me I'd better bring some tommy k to make it more palletable!
have a really lovely day and come back Monday, I'm having a very special giveway
bunny kisses
Fifi Lapin
bunny kisses
Fifi Lapin