As you can see in my last post I am still enjoying the summer (trying to when the sun decides to come out and play) however onto more important matters, the new Autumn/Winter collections are starting to emerge in the shops and as I loathe sales (all the stuff nobody wanted so why would I?) I have no choice but to wave goodbye to the Spring Summer 07 season and welcome in the new. I have released this limited edition print in my etsy shop to celebrate, it features 28 paw picked outfits from the cream of my spring summer wardrobe. I especially love it because I look so good 28 times over! anyway I still have a few more outfits from last season but look out for some brand new looks coming to my blog near you soon...

from left to right I'm wearing...
oscar de la renta
anna sui
sonia rykiel
alice mccall
diane von furstenburg
alberta ferretti
anna molinari
karen walker
philip lim
marc jacobs
marc by marc jacobs
matthew williamson
stella mccartney
dolce and gabbanna
michael kors
bottega venetta
viktor and rolf
luca luca
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