As you can see from the photo our next stop was India and here you can see me enjoying the beautiful sunset at the Taj Mahal. For the first time in three days of being in India there wasn't a soul around to ask to take a photo of us (There are a lot of people in India and it feels like they all want to meet you at the same time!) so Sonny couldn't be in this one but I assure you the Taj Mahal was a very romantic place... and india itself is amazing, so much to look at. You don't need to plan anything just wandering around is interesting enough and they do a mean curried carrot!

I'm wearing Eley Kishimoto, the dress was lovely and light but the socks were a chore, even in the evening the heat is exactly as you imagine it would be in India.

I've got one more photo of our travels to share with you, see you soon!
bunny kisses
Fifi Lapin