After I left my parents to their 'rekindling the love' cruise down the Nile I nipped over to New York City to meet Sonny, where as you know I have a very cute apartment. We had a couple of days to spare in the itinerary and so decided to do some of the touristy things that I've been meaning to do for an age and never got round to. One of which was going to the top of the Empire State Building. Can you believe I've been coming to New York for practically my whole life and have never done it. Let me tell you It's definitely worth the inordinately long queue for the elevator - 102 floors up and you feel as if you are on top of the world! I loved looking down on central park - a perfectly square slice of oasis amongst the craziness of it all and that skyline is still the most iconic of them all...
bunny kisses
Fifi Lapin
p.s. just in case you were wondering my outfit is from the Loewe pre-fall collections. I'm not wishing the summer away but I have to say there are some very exciting collections on the horizon!

loewe pre fall 09